Can I Retire?

Will You Be Able to Retire When the Time Comes?

Our team recently met with a man we’ll call Joe, who told us about going to his financial advisor. During the meeting, Joe asked his advisor if he had enough money to retire.

After punching some numbers into his computer system, the advisor told Joe, “Sure, you can retire! No problem.” But it wasn’t that simple. The advisor continued that actually, there was only a 93% chance that things would work out if Joe retired.

Joe said a 93% chance didn’t give him much comfort, so he came to us for a second opinion. We agreed that he might need a different approach to his retirement planning. We quickly came up with a new plan for Joe, one that increased his chances for a successful retirement and gave him much more peace of mind.

Many people come to us for a first – or even second – opinion on their retirement. During this complimentary retirement review, we do a complete investigation of your financial plan, discussing things like income and expenses, how much money you have saved, and how much guaranteed income you’ll need in retirement. We also look at how your investments are performing and identify ways you might be able to reduce the amount you pay in fees and costs. Using that information, we create a customized plan to make sure you’ll be able to retire when the time comes.

Discover the better side of retirement planning.

Do you want a second opinion on your retirement plan? At Carlson Financial, we help answer all your retirement questions. Call us today at 844-CARLSON or CLICK HERE to schedule your complimentary review.

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